BOA Bootcamp at Victory Fields: COVID-19 guidelines
Thank you for your interest in BOA Bootcamp and taking the time to look at these notes.
Here are the rules you will need to follow as a participant of BOA Bootcamp, in relation to preventing the spread of Covid-19. Please do read all of the below before attending, as it is vital that you understand that attendance at sessions is an 'opt-in' to following these rules.
- Please arrive and leave Victory Fields alone, or in your household bubble. Please do not congregate in groups near the entrance to Victory Fields when arriving and departing.
- Throughout your time on the field and during the session, please ensure you maintain a 1m+ distance from all other attendees and members of the public.
- On arrival, please designate yourself a workout space that is at least 1m+ apart from each other. Choose your space and then ensure that your personal belongings (e.g. water bottle, clothing) are kept in that spot only (this will also help keep to keep the space clearly identifiable as yours).
- To follow government guidelines, in the short-term at least, I will not be providing any equipment at all for sessions. I would be grateful if members who have their own Kettlebells or Dumbbells (or have borrowed them from me), bring these along, BUT they must be kept for individual use only and must not be shared with, or touched by other members of the group who are not in your household bubble. All workouts will be programmed to have a 'with' and 'without' Kettlebell/Dumbbell option - therefore members who do not have access to a weight for their own individual use can rest assured they will still have a full and effective workout. Even though Kettlebells are not to be shared between members, I will provide antibacterial wipes for you to use before/after every session, to help cut down the transmission of germs collected/shared during journeys. If you use one of these, please dispose of it immediately in the bin on the field.
- I would encourage you to bring hand sanitiser to each session, and a water bottle that is easily identifiable as your own.
- Please try to avoid shouting in close proximity to others, and as far as possible please try not to touch your mouth, eyes and nose during a session.
- Please do not spit or rinse out your mouth on the field, or share water bottles with others. If you use a tissue, please dispose of it immediately in the bin on the field.
- Before attending every session, please thoroughly wash your hands and undertake a self-assessment symptom check for Covid-19 (high temperature; new and continuous cough; loss of/change to your sense of smell or taste). Please do not attend a session if you, or someone you have had contact with, are experiencing such symptoms. For those with access to self-testing, we would encourage use of these pre-attendance.
- If you fall ill with Covid-19 symptoms within 21 days of attending a session, please let me know as soon as you possibly can - at which point I will notify all other members who have attended sessions at the same time.
Thank you so much again for your support and for reading all of this.